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Power cord manufacturing process-power cord into line
Regarding multi-core power cords, in order to ensure the degree of molding and reduce the shape of the power cords, it is generally required to twist them into a circular shape. The twisting mechanism is similar to conductor twisting, because the twisting pitch is relatively large, and most of the twist-free methods are used.
The technical requirements for cabling: First, the twisting of the cable caused by the turning of the absolutely-shaped insulated core;
The second is to prevent the insulation layer from being scratched;
Three-core waterproof power cord.
Most of the cables are completed with the completion of two other procedures: one is filling, the roundness and stability of the cable after the cable is formed.
1. Inner sheath of the power cord
In order to maintain the insulated wire core from being scratched by the armor, it is necessary to properly maintain the insulation layer. The inner protective layer is divided into an extruded inner protective layer (isolation sleeve) and a wrapped inner protective...